Sponsorship package A :: Price: 20.000 €
- Advertisement in the form of billboard in the hall (provided by sponsor)
- Ad page in the Program
- Showroom (booth) …… 16m2
- Leaflet/brochure of sponsor in congress bags (provided by sponsor)
- A block and a pencil of sponsor in congress bag
- Free participation (registration fee + accommodation) for 8 participants
Sponsorship package B :: Price: 12.000 €
- Ad page in the Program
- Showroom (booth) …… 12m2
- Leaflet/brochure of sponsor in congress bags (provided by sponsor)
- Free participation (registration fee + accommodation) for 6 participants
Sponsorship package C :: Price: 10.000 €
- Ad page in the Program
- Showroom (booth) …… 8m2
- Leaflet/brochure of sponsor in congress bags (provided by sponsor)
- Free participation (registration fee + accommodation) for 4 participants
Sponsorship package D :: Price: 7.500 €
- Ad page in the Program
- Showroom (booth) …… 4m2
- Leaflet/brochure of sponsor in congress bags (provided by sponsor)
- Free participation (registration fee + accommodation) for 3 participants
Sponsorship package F :: Price: 5.000 €
- Ad page in the Program
- Leaflet/brochure of sponsor in congress bags (provided by sponsor)
- Free participation (registration fee + accommodation) for 2 participants
*** Sponsors get (1-4) thank-you notes at the opening and closing of the Congress
Sponsor of the Cocktail at the Opening Ceremony
(Thursday, 11 May 2023) :: Price: 4.000 €
- Advertisement in the Cocktail Hall
- The rest by agreement
Sponsor of the evening :: Price: by agreement
- Dinner + entertainment program
Sponsor of the lunch break: Price: 2.000€
- Advertisement in the lunch room
- The rest by agreement
Sponsor of the coffee break :: Price: 2.000€
- Advertisement in the space for coffee break
- The rest by agreement
Showroom - booth :: Price: 80€/m2
- Minimum = 6m2
Commercial lecture - mini symposium :: Price: 1.000 € / 20 min
Advertising in the Congress Program
- Inner pages of the cover :: Price: 450 €
- Internal pages :: Price: 100 €
- Smaller ads :: Price: by agreement